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Fraud Prevention & Chargeback Dispute Management

eFlow Processing provides the proper tools to address fraud and chargeback issues that can seriously damage your company's reputation and affect your profitability.

Keep your fraud & chargeback ratios under control

Warning systems & monitoring solutions

Protect yourself against rogue affiliates and fraudsters

Deal with an Authorized Reseller of Rapid Dispute Resolution (RDR)

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Verifi and Ethoca

We work with alerting systems, such as Ethoca and Verifi, which enable us to detect potential chargebacks. Thus, we can ensure the sustainability of processing activities and decrease chargebacks.

Chargeback Management Services must be implemented to avoid getting terminated by its payment processor/acquirer for excessive disputes.

Fraud-to-sales ratio

Over the last few months, fraud-to-sales ratio became a major concern for payment service providers. Merchants must, more than ever before, focus on this key metric.

We make it a top priority to keep our customer's fraud and chargeback rates under control and prevent dishonest third parties and scammers from hurting your business.

We partner with auti-fraud solutions to provide chargeback & dispute management to help you avoid unwarranted chargebacks.

We also teach you how to treat TC40/SAFE reports and how to build BIN/card blacklists.

Rapid Dispute Resolution (RDR)

RDR is an automated pre-dispute process that doesn't count against your Visa dispute ratio. This is a powerful tool that will have a massive impact on your business. eFlow Processing is an Authorized Reseller of Verifi.

Check out our blog post about RDR here.

Contact us for more information and an opportunity to discover our fraud prevention and chargeback management services. We do not charge set-up fees nor monthly subscription fees. At eFlow Processing, we work hand in hand with our clients and take on the risks of the operation together.


What does RDR mean?

RDR stands for Rapid Dispute Resolution

WHO we

Get to know our dedicated team of passionate individuals who work tirelessly to provide exceptional service and drive success for our merchants. Whether it's through collaboration, innovation, or a committment to excellence, our team members embody the values that make our company a leader in the industry.